Semarang, 3-7 October 2024 – A summer course entitled “Voices from Coastal Communities: Securing Small-Scale Fisheries” was held as a result of close collaboration between Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Global Partnership University of Waterloo, and Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK), and supported by UNDIP’s World Class University (WCU) Program and V2V Global Partnership. This event was held in a hybrid format, namely offline and online. This summer course is part of UNDIP’s commitment to the V2V Global Partnership.
The first day and opening ceremony took place on October 3, 2024. This summer course began with an opening ceremony attended by Prof. Hadiyanto (Head of the UNDIP Ranking Office), Dr. Dessy Ariyanti (Vice President of the UNDIP Ranking Office), and Afina Hasya (Head of the International Affairs Office) representing the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). On that occasion, Prof. Hadiyanto and Prof. Indah Susilowati officially opened the five-day event. The chair of the committee for this event is Hapsari Ayu Kusumawardhani as a lecturer in the Economics Study Program S1 FEB UNDIP, with a committee consisting of students.
Participants are scheduled to participate in various learning activities, including a panel discussion featuring keynote speakers: Prof. Prateep Kumar Nayak (University of Waterloo, Canada), Prof. Gazi Md Nurul Islam (UNIRAZAK, Malaysia), and Prof. Indah Susilowati (UNDIP, Indonesia). On the second day and beyond, the activity continues with a field school event in Demak Regency and Karimunjawa Island.
Through discussions with various coastal fishing communities in two different regions in Indonesia, participants can expand their knowledge, ideas, and understanding of the complex and diverse problems in coastal communities, as well as the multidisciplinary approaches needed to address them. Throughout the Summer course activities, participants establish close relationships with community members and fellow participants, which are expected to continue in the future. This will help build further collaboration, share information, and increase enthusiasm for important issues around the transition of coastal communities from vulnerability to sustainability.
The opening video of the summer course can be seen on the official youtube: