Brebes-Tegal, December 16, 2024 – Diponegoro University visited two universities in Brebes Regency, namely Peradaban University, and in Tegal City, namely Pancasakti University. This visit is part of a series of activities organized by the ILO (International Labor Organization) with the theme “The Sustainability Global Approach Via the Transition Program from Vocational School Maritime to University Level.” This event aims to accommodate various problems and ideas related to workers in the fisheries/marine sector, such as fishermen and ABK (Ship Crew), who are on the north coast (Pantura). These problems will be identified and formulated in learning modules consisting of four focuses, namely decent work, business and human rights frameworks, coastal economics, and practical skills/advocacy. These four modules will later be summarized in the form of four booklets which are expected to be easier to understand.

One of the discussion activities at the Brebes Civilization University

After the modules and booklets on the four themes were compiled, the next stage was the implementation of activities that included the tri dharma of higher education, namely teaching (course learning materials), research (research materials on the blue economy), and community service (training and improving skills through collaboration with several stakeholders

Handover of Souvenirs from Universitas Peradaban represented by the Dean of FEB