Semarang, September 5, 2024 – Tobacco Economics: Dissemination of Research Results was held in Hall Building C, 4th Floor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University, entitled The Impact of Policies and Regulations on Tobacco Harm Reduction Products Smoking Trends Public Health and Economic Outcome. The event was a collaboration between the Undergraduate Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University and the Indonesian Development Foundation (IDF).
The Tobacco Economics Seminar is one of the manifestations of the commitment of the Undergraduate Economics Study Program, FEB, UNDIP in the field of research in collaboration with the Indonesian Development Foundation. This is in line with one of the missions of the Department of Economics and Development Studies, Diponegoro University, namely, to conduct research, both basic and applied research, and to publish research results.
The Indonesian Development Foundation (IDF), as reported on the official website, is an organization founded in 2016, with the aim of encouraging Indonesia’s growth through collaborative human resource development. IDF activities focus on developing socio-economic aspects. IDF has established many collaborations with government and non-government institutions, such as the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), local governments, and international non-profit organizations.
Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Si., Ph.D.
Tobacco Economics was opened by Wijayanto, S.IP., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Vice Rector 4, Research, Innovation, and Cooperation, Diponegoro University. In his speech, Vice Rector 4 expressed Diponegoro University’s commitment in the field of research, as well as UNDIP’s focus on supporting the government in poverty alleviation programs in Central Java. The event was then filled with remarks by Dr. Jaka Aminata S.E., M.A. as Head of the IE Study Program – S1 UNDIP; Harris Siagian B.A., M.B.A. as Executive Director of IDF; and representatives from Bappenas.
The first research results were presented at the dissemination event, by IDF with the title Consumers’ Perception and Decision Making Regarding THRPs: Preliminary Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Indonesia. The primary objective of the research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the drivers behind consumer behavior and decision-making regarding combustible cigarettes (CC), e-cigarettes (EC), and smoking cessation, and how these choices impact public health.