Yogyakarta, 18-22 November 2024, the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Financial Education for Families organized by Financial Education International ILO and the ILO International Training Center has officially ended. The program was attended by representatives of coastal universities, OJK, KKP, Disnaker Trans Jateng, Energy House, AP2HI, BPR, BP3MI, 2R Association, and SBMI. Participants were given a comprehensive guide on “Financial Literacy” for families, what it means, its relevance to everyday life, and how we now consider ourselves “financially literate”.
In addition, participants were also given links to resources that can help them and/or other family members improve their understanding of financial matters. TOT participants were trained in financial concepts such as determining a budget, choosing savings products, using credit products wisely, choosing payment instruments, getting to know financial institutions, and risk and insurance management and were given strong communication skills to convey this information clearly to their audience.

One of the discussion activities in the training program
The programme also covers teaching techniques, evaluation and development of training materials to ensure that participants can deliver effective training in a variety of contexts. Furthermore, the ILO offers participants the possibility to become certified trainers. The Training of Trainers (TOT) combines intensive training for trainers on content and methodology issues. The programme includes a certification option for candidates who wish to complete it and become ILO certified national trainers in financial education.

Representatives from UNDIP Economics Study Program in ILO Training
Participants who have previous experience in adult learning, have completed the Training of Trainers, and are willing to be certified as ILO trainers in financial education, will be encouraged to come forward to receive ILO certification and deliver three training courses to their target audience or group.