Semarang, Diponegoro University – The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Diponegoro University would like to congratulate all students, lecturers, education staff, and the entire academic community who carry out the fasting month of Ramadhan 1445 H. May this holy month bring blessings, peace, and an abundance of grace and forgiveness for all of us.

Ramadhan is a special moment that is full of spiritual values, self-reflection, and togetherness. In addition to being an opportunity to increase devotion to Allah SWT, this month is also an event to strengthen friendship, foster a sense of caring, and strengthen the values ​​of goodness in everyday life. In an academic context, maintaining a balance between lecture obligations and worship is important so that productivity is maintained without reducing solemnity in worship.

In line with the arrival of this blessed month and in order to welcome Eid al-Fitr 1445 H, FEB Diponegoro University has established several academic policies to provide comfort for the entire academic community in carrying out academic activities during Ramadhan. The important provisions regarding lectures and Eid al-Fitr holidays are as follows:

FEB UNDIP hopes that all students and educators can understand and adjust to the policies that have been set, so that the learning process continues optimally without reducing the essence of worship in this holy month. The faculty also appeals to the entire academic community to maintain the spirit of learning, discipline in carrying out academic responsibilities, and always uphold the values ​​of integrity and togetherness.

May this year’s Ramadan be a meaningful month, bringing blessings in every step, and an opportunity to get closer to God Almighty. Happy fasting, may all our good deeds be accepted and we are all given health and strength in carrying out activities in this holy month.


Faculty of Economics and Business
Diponegoro University