Today (12/07), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (FEB Undip) in collaboration with INDEF (Institute for Development of Economics and Finance) carried out the INDEF School of Political Economy activities. The INDEF School of Political Economy (ISPE) is a political-economic training program with the aim of providing an understanding of basic economic concepts and methodologies for analyzing an economic phenomenon and understanding political-economic practices that occur in Indonesia. ISPE activities are not only held in Jakarta, but also in several other areas in Indonesia and abroad.
INDEF School of Political Economy with the title Politics and Regional Development this time was held in campus circles. Located in the Meeting Room of the Accounting Department FEB Undip, the event was held face-to-face. The event was attended by lecturers, researchers, students and local governments. Present at the activity were the Dean of FEB Undip, the Regional Secretary of Central Java Province as well as lecturers, researchers and students.
The event which was held for 3 days from 12-14 July 2022 was opened by Prof. Dr. Suharnomo as the Dean of FEB Undip. “This activity is a very good forum, and can provide knowledge,” he said. Prof. Dr. Suharnomo expressed his gratitude to INDEF, the Regional Secretary of Central Java the speakers who had attended this event.
Secretary of Central Java, Sumarno, S.E., M.M. representing the Governor of Central Java expressed his appreciation for this activity, because this is part of the participation of participants to be able to see the current world economic conditions, and there are challenges that must be faced, including the energy crisis due to the war between Russia and Ukraine which has a very extraordinary impact.
This activity presents well-known speakers in the field of economics, including:
- Esther Sri Astuti, Ph.D. (FEB Undip and Research Director INDEF);
- Faisal H. Basri (INDEF);
- F.X. Sugiyanto (FEB Undip);
- Akhmad Syakir Kurnia, Ph.D. (FEB Undip);
- Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; and
- Rusli Abdullah (INDEF).
This activity is FEB’s step in supporting Diponegoro University for the implementation of SDGs Point 4 on Quality Education and 17 Partnerships to Achieve Goals.