To all students and academicians of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University
Without realizing it, we have passed the holy month of Ramadan with full faith and devotion. Now, it is time for us to welcome the day of victory, Eid al-Fitr 1446 H, with a pure heart and full of happiness. Along with the arrival and presence of Eid al-Fitr, we would like to wish you a Happy Eid al-Fitr 1446 H, Minal aidin wal faizin Please forgive me physically and mentally. Hopefully, this blessed moment will be a special moment and time to gather with family, strengthen ties, and reflect on the values ​​of goodness and togetherness with family and those closest to us.
Eid holidays are not just a break from academic routines, but also an opportunity to refresh ourselves and recharge our spirits and energy to face the journey ahead. We hope that all lecturers, education staff, students, and alumni of FEB Undip can enjoy this holiday with full happiness and return with new enthusiasm to contribute to the academic and professional world and contribute better to the institution and society.
Finally, enjoy your holiday. May we all always be given health, safety, and happiness in every step forward. Enjoy your time with your loved ones. May happiness and blessings always accompany us all.

Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University