The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business held this discussion about BBM, which sought validation by rationalizing the increase in fuel prices in reality. This event was held at DOME FEB Undip which was guided by Prof. Dr. FX. Sugiyanto, M.S., who is an Undip Professor of Economics as a speaker. The discussion was moderated by Gusti Ibrahim, Coordinator for Movement and Social Dynamics (PDS) BEM FEB Undip.
The informant said that the increase in fuel prices was mainly due to inflation which made the APBN also change. One of the biggest government funds is not from employee salaries, but from determining the budget for the pension of its employees. The pension fund provided by the government is around Rp. 2500 trillion per year. So in this case, the pension fund is replaced with an insurance fund in old age.
If fuel prices are not increased, several things will happen, namely, first, it is unfair, because those who enjoy the most subsidies are those who should not need subsidies for their fuel needs. The second is the government's calculation, subsidies and compensation will reach Rp653 trillion (assuming the need does not decrease). Third, international oil prices will remain high even though they are currently declining slightly. Fourth, the state budget deficit will continue to swell above 3% of GDP, which is not only inconsistent with the law, but will threaten fiscal sustainability. Fifth, there is no guarantee that inflation will decrease even if fuel prices are not increased and sixth, it will threaten other subsidies, for example on health, pensions, and so on.
The results of this discussion for the government and pertamina need to be more transparent in calculating economic prices, the government needs to explain more to the public the method of giving and the amount of giving and to whom the subsidy is given, then it should always improve the data on recipients of subsidies and the system for providing subsidies, and implement frugal behavior the use of fuel by the community and entrepreneurs should not take an opportunity.