Batang Regency, October 25, 2024, 3 Lecturers of FEB Undip, namely Prof. Indah Susilowati, Prof. Waridin, and Prof. Nugroho SBM, 2 Lecturers of FPIK Undip, namely Dr. Ir. Jusup Suprijanto and Dr. Ita Widowati and 9 students and the fishing community held a training activity on the utilization of srimping waste in West Roban Village. The community was enthusiastic about participating in this training activity, which was seen from their activeness in discussing and seriousness in every stage of the training, from preparation to the finishing process. The purpose of this training is to utilize the potential of srimping shellfish waste as a creative business opportunity that supports the improvement of the local economy. It is hoped that this program can be given the opportunity for the sustainability of other programs.

The average production of scallops in Batang Regency over the past five years from 2017 to 2022 reached 130 tons with a value of 351,210,046 rupiah. The use of scallops which only utilizes the meat causes piles of shell waste. Abundant shell waste that is not managed properly can cause various environmental and health problems in coastal areas. Therefore, serious efforts are needed to handle it. This community service is carried out with the aim of reducing scallop waste and improving the economy of fishing communities by increasing the added value of scallop waste into crafts. Community service activities are carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and partners CV Multi Dimensi Shellcrafts, namely training in processing scallop shells into photo frames.