Ungaran, March 9, 2025, the Economics Study Program of Diponegoro University (Undip) held a community service activity with the theme “Family Financial Literacy Training”. This activity is intended for residents of RT.05/RW.09, Gedanganak Village, East Ungaran District, Semarang Regency. This community service was carried out by four lecturers from the Undip Economics Study Program, with team leader Deny Cahyadinanto Sanjoko, S.E., M.Ec.Dev.
The main problem faced by the community is the low literacy of family financial management, especially among mothers, which causes difficulties in saving and planning finances for the future. In addition, the lack of understanding of financial products such as savings, insurance, and investments increases the risk of high-interest debt and fraudulent investments. Therefore, this activity aims to improve the financial literacy of PKK mothers in the area, so that they can manage family finances more wisely, improve economic welfare, and make smarter financial decisions.
One of the community service activities
This training received high enthusiasm from PKK mothers because the material provided was very relevant to their needs in managing household finances. One of the main activities in this training is setting family financial goals, including how to determine goal priorities in the short term (maximum 1 year), medium term (1-3 years), and long term (more than 3 years). In addition, it also discussed the selection of institutions for saving money, both formal institutions such as banks, semi-formal such as cooperatives, and non-formal such as saving money at home. Participants were also given an understanding to be more careful in taking credit, ensuring the clarity of the lending institution, and avoiding the trap of high-interest credit such as illegal online loans.
It is hoped that this program will provide real benefits for training participants and the wider Ungaran community, so that financial literacy will increase and help create family economic stability.