Semarang, 1 Maret 2025, In order to welcome the holy month of Ramadan and commemorate the 65th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (FEB UNDIP), FEB UNDIP held a Khataman Al-Quran activity 65 times during the month of Ramadan. This activity involved all employees and students of FEB UNDIP and ended with a breaking of the fast together and donations to orphans. This activity is not only a form of worship and spiritual reflection for the academic community, but also a momentum to strengthen togetherness and increase love for the Quran. This activity is also in order to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of FEB UNDIP. We hope this will be a field of charity for all participants.
One of the sessions of Khataman Al-Qur’an
Implementation of Khataman Quran – Khataman Quran will be carried out in stages throughout the month of Ramadan by distributing Quran readings among the participants. Each participant will read the holy verses of the Quran so that they can complete 65 times of Khataman during this holy month. This activity is carried out together both in the FEB UNDIP campus environment. All employees and students are encouraged to participate in this activity in order to strengthen Islamic values in the academic environment. This activity is also expected to be an inspiration for students and employees to be closer to the Quran, as well as increase the spirit of togetherness in welcoming the holy month of Ramadan.
One of the sessions of Khataman Al-Qur’an
Breaking Fast Together and Donations for Orphans As the peak of the series of khataman Quran activities, FEB UNDIP will also hold a breaking fast event that will be attended by all participants. This event will present Al Ustadz Habiburrahman El Shirazy who will provide Islamic sermons and motivation for the participants. In addition, in this series of events, donations will also be given to orphans as a form of FEB UNDIP’s social concern for people in need. By sharing happiness with our brothers and sisters in need, especially orphans, so that they also feel the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan.
With this activity, it is expected that the spirit of togetherness and love for the Quran will continue to grow in the FEB UNDIP environment, and can provide benefits for all participants and the wider community. Hopefully this event will run smoothly and be a blessing for all involved.