Semarang, February 27, 2025 at the Grand Candi Hotel, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) held a workshop entitled “Pathway Downstreaming of Research Results in the Field of Food and Agricultural Technology: From Laboratory to Market”. This event presented various expert speakers in the field of food and agricultural technology with the aim of strengthening the downstreaming of research results to be closer to the community and have greater added value. The event was opened by the Chancellor of UNDIP Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, S.E., M.Si. and drh. Dian Wahyu Harjanti, Ph.D as Director of Innovation, Downstreaming, and Cooperation, UNDIP. The keynote speaker in this workshop was the Deputy for Systems and Governance of the Badan Gizi Nasional, Tigor Pangaribuan who opened regarding the relationship between food research and government programs that support food security.
Keynote Speaker by Deputy for Systems and Governance of the Badan Gizi Nasional, Tigor Pangaribuan
Various speakers were also present, such as Ema Setyawati, S.Si, Apt. ME, as the Directorate of Community Empowerment and Processed Food Business Actors, BPOM. In her presentation, she emphasized the importance of meeting the standards set by BPOM in the production process so that products can obtain distribution permits. BPOM also has a mentoring program for industry and a literacy program to increase public understanding of innovative food products. In addition, there was a discussion session on the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, represented by the Directorate General of Agricultural Facilities and Infrastructure, Ministry of Agriculture in supporting the food downstream ecosystem.
UNDIP Rector, Prof. Suharnomo visited the Voca stand (drinking water produced by UNDIP Vocational School)
Also present were speakers from GAPMMI (Indonesian Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs Association), Bu Betsi, and Dr. Nuryanto, S.Gz., M.Gizi. from UNDIP, who discussed the development of innovative food products, not only from the aspect of food security, but also its impact on community nutrition. Health issues such as obesity and malnutrition were also a concern in this discussion. Bagus Herwibawa, S.P., M.P., Ph.D. from UNDIP was also one of the speakers.
In addition, in this workshop, the UNDIP Economics Study Program was also represented by Maulana Ghani Yusuf, S.SI., M.E., and Deny Cahyadinanto Sanjoko, S.E., M.Ec.Dev. Their presence aimed to learn more about entrepreneurship, especially in an effort to increase student interest in the entrepreneurship laboratory. By understanding more deeply about the downstreaming of food research, it is hoped that students can be more motivated to develop research-based innovations that have economic value and can compete in the market.
This workshop is expected to encourage the acceleration of downstream research in the field of food and agricultural technology, so that innovations produced from laboratories can be more easily accepted by the market and benefit the wider community.